How much does it cost to maintain a motorhome
We live in the States, but we’ve been traveling in Europe for about five years. We have traveled to France, Spain, and Morocco. On these trips we met travelers in motorhomes: young surfers off the Atlantic coast and grown-up Frenchmen in awe of North Africa. We were so inspired that we bought our own.
I knew the pros of a motorhome before I bought one: a few years ago my friends and I rented a camper for the May holidays and drove up the coast of the Caspian Sea. It was one of the most fun and memorable adventures. In a motor home you can stay wherever you want, and wake up every morning with a new view out the window.
But I realized the disadvantages of motorhomes later, when we became owners. About them I will tell in detail in the article.
The first motor home cost us $30,000. Within a year we had invested 10,000 dollars more in equipment, minor repairs and maintenance. After a year it was clear that the conceptually we like everything, but here’s a model of motorhome needs another. And we bought the second – a better level and more comfortable equipment. I will tell, how they differ and where we travel on a motorhome.
Motor home, aka autocamper, aka autohull – is a complete house for living, but on wheels. Such houses are made on the basis of the car. You might have seen them in the movies “Nomad Land” or “Little Miss Sunshine. You can travel in a motorhome wherever there are roads.
Motorhomes come in a variety of forms: from a trailer on wheels to an Integral, which is little different from an ordinary apartment in terms of comfort.
Outwardly, it looks like a large car, but inside there is a space equipped for living. Size is different: it can be a huge bus, as well as a medium-sized van. Inside there is a mandatory seat for the driver, and next to it a seat for passengers.
Car dealerships offer to buy a ready-made motor home: such a car was originally conceived to travel. But sometimes they convert used cars – for example, vans or minibuses are arranged under a caravan.