Home on wheels, what does it hide?
Caravanning as a trend, direction and way of life has been around for almost a century. One hundred years ago, Henry Ford launched mass production of the legendary Lizzie. Immediately after the automobile became available to many, Americans began to drive along and across the continent in search of adventure and much-loved freedom. With travel in automobiles and began caravanning. A little later came the first motor homes, and since then caravanning has forever occupied a place in the hearts of many Americans, then Europeans. And now it is increasingly capturing the minds and thoughts of Russian fans of auto travel.
Over a century of history, a huge number of different models have been created to meet the varying needs and financial capabilities of the traveler. The caravanning market offers different types of campers to choose from. Depending on the budget and needs, you can buy a tent trailer or a living trailer, or you can surprise your neighbors with a luxury camper, equipped with the latest technology and fashion. Let’s try to understand the main types of houses on wheels.
Home on Wheels
Motorhomes are built on a car chassis. In the European classification, there are four types of motorhomes: residential minivans, alcoves, semi-integrated and integrated campers. In the American classification, motorhomes are divided into three classes: Class A, Class B, and Class C.
Integrated motorhome
The main difference between an integrated motorhome and others is the unique design. For the production of such motorhomes, the manufacturer uses only serial engine, transmission and suspension.
The cabin of such a motorhome is fully integrated into the living space, hence the name of this type of motorhome. Integrated motorhomes are high-class cars. As a rule, they have an expensive finish and design, equipped with advanced electronic systems, hence the cost.
Dwelling trailer
A vacation home on wheels is the most comfortable type of home on wheels. Dachas on wheels are often purchased by those who prefer stationary camping and relatively little road travel.
There are caravans of different sizes on the market. There are living trailers, in which a bed and a kitchen unit fit, and there are caravans (summerhouses on wheels), the interior space of which is divided into several rooms.
Tent trailer
This is the most maneuverable and inexpensive type of living trailers. Despite its small size, a tent trailer makes a traveler’s vacation comfortable. A tent trailer can be transported by small passenger cars. To drive a vehicle with a tent trailer, you only need a category B license.
Modern trailer tents are equipped with a special mechanism that allows you to open it in a few minutes. Thanks to the folding mechanism, the tent takes up relatively little space and is easy to store.
– If you want a high-end luxury vehicle equipped with the latest technology, choose an integrated camper.
– If you want to go on a trip with a large company, take an alcove on wheels.
– If you need maneuverability, consider semi-integrated vehicles.
– Prefer a more stationary vacation with long stops at campsites, take a summerhouse on wheels. If you are a novice caravaner and do not have the money for serious acquisitions, consider tent trailers. Do not think of your holiday without difficulties and off-road trips, choose a living module for a pickup truck.